Harris Powell-Smith

Things I'm into right now

Last updated October 2024.

Playing (tabletop)

Last Fleet: an apocalyptic spaceship game based on Battlestar Galactica. Our Cylon-analogues aren't fungal because that grosses me out too much, but they're equally scary. My character's the former frontman of a wildly successful boyband who broke up the band amid great drama the year before the apocalypse hit. Now he's trying to make it as an investigative journalist or otherwise figure out what he's doing with his life.

Latest session: after getting shot in the foot by a mob heavy and having his life saved by his former-cybernetically-evil-brainwashed maybe-boyfriend, Cassidy reached a Breaking Point and recorded an unhinged callout video about what he believes is a military cult that's kidnapped his former bandmate. In response the former bandmate recorded a very calm video saying he's worried about Cassidy's mental health, that's he's absolutely fine, and that sometimes people end up walking different paths. WELL. Cassidy's now gnashing his teeth over that one.

Now he and the gang have gone to another ship to investigate the campaign's murder-conspiracy plot where they promptly got thrown in the brig for being too shady and weird. Once they got out, Cassidy started snooping while one of his friends had a lovely reunion with his family and the other had a mental wobble relating to her being a secret Corax. After hiding in a supply closet, Cassidy's overheard some juicy gossip that may be related to the conspiracy but which also raised more questions…

Hunter: the Vigil: my wife's running a Hunter parlour LARP that's starting soon. I'm playing a paramedic so no doubt I'll get to run around healing people dramatically soon.

Playing (IF)

Stars Arisen by Abigail C. Trevor: you're the child of the exiled semi-dead queen, and are returning to the capital city to take back her throne (or perhaps you have other ideas about how you want your life to go?). This is a real fantasy doorstopper of a game with an evocative city setting and well-drawn characters I want to spend more time with.

Playing (videogames)

Baldur's Gate 3: My wife and I are slowly making our way through a multiplayer playthrough in which I'm a Dark Urge paladin and she's a Drow sorcerer. We've not played multiplayer game like this since Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel so it's lovely to adventure together (especially because she's better at combat than me).

Pathologic 2: I am cheerfully failing to be a competent field surgeon in this delightful, macabre, punishing game.


Interview with the Vampire: I'm always up watching codependent violent queer people ruin their and others' lives.

The Terror: we're rewatching this absolute delight of a show, and have just finished the Carnivale episode, and we're psyching ourselves up to continue. I just adore this series so much.


I Want That Twink Obliterated! ed. Trip Galey: an anthology of pulp SFFH starring LGBTQIA+ heroes and villains.

The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard. As well as having a delightfully Wodehouseian name, Apsley Cherry-Garrard has a delightful turn of phrase. His memoir about Captain Scott's final Antarctic expedition begins Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time which has been devised.